88985490172 / Leonard Rose - The Complete Concerto and Sonata Recordings (14CD)
羅斯大提琴演奏全集 14CD
◎ 大提琴家李奧納德.羅斯誕生100週年紀念專輯
◎ 李奧納德.羅斯錄音作品首度完整發行
◎ 包含五張以往僅發行過黑膠唱片,首度以CD格式發行的錄音
◎ 兩首貝多芬《大提琴奏鳴曲》首次發行
◎ 馬友友表示:羅斯先生在藝術表現上樹立了完整的標準.....如果有所謂大提琴的理想聲音,他已然擁有....
2018年為美國大提琴家李奧納德.羅斯(Leonard Rose,1918-1984)誕生100週年,為此Sony唱片公司特別發行其歷年來在旗下「哥倫比亞大師系列」(Columbia Masterworks)錄製的全部作品,以為紀念。這些錄音最早可追溯自1948年,迄至1974年。專輯包裝彷黑膠唱片的封套,並保留了原始封面設計,包含解說冊與其錄音清單。 李奧納德.羅斯為上個世代美國著名的大提琴家。紐約時報曾經以「純金」(Pure gold)來形容其演奏。父母來自基輔,為烏克蘭移民。20歲時自費城寇第斯音樂院畢業。曾在紐約愛樂、費城管弦、克里夫蘭管弦樂團擔任首席大提琴手。 1951年起以獨奏家和教師身份活躍於樂壇。他的演奏技巧紮實,音色優美。華裔大提琴家也曾是他的學生。當年9歲時馬友友得到茱麗葉音樂學院的獎學金,因而進入了這座赫赫有名的音樂學校。又在父親的朋友、著名小提琴家伊薩克.史坦(Isaac Stern)的引薦下,師從著名大提琴家羅斯學琴。此外,羅斯的學生還包括林.哈瑞爾(Lyn Harrell)與鄭明和(鄭京和的姊姊)等。 此套專輯為李奧納德.羅斯錄音作品首度完整發行,其中包含五張以往僅發行過黑膠唱片,首度以CD格式發行的錄音,並以24 bit / 192 kHz技術加以轉換處理。另外還包含了從未公開發行過的兩首貝多芬《大提琴奏鳴曲》。參與演出的團體包含羅斯與全美三大樂團 — 紐約愛樂、費城管弦與克里夫蘭管弦樂團,合作的指揮則包括米特羅普洛斯(Dimitri Mitropoulos)、華爾特(Bruno Walter)、塞爾(George Szell)、伯恩斯坦(Leonard Bernstein)與奧曼第(Eugene Ormandy)。 李奧納德.羅斯經常對他的學生表示:與管弦樂團合作演出是進階獨奏生涯的最佳方式。他以親身體驗證實這個論點。20歲時他已經在托斯卡尼尼掌管下的NBC交響樂團擔任首席大提琴手,之後一個月季又在指揮羅津斯基(Artur Rodzinski)轄下,擔任克里夫蘭管弦樂團的首席大提琴手。1943年羅津斯基轉任紐約愛樂管弦樂團,羅斯亦追隨前往。兩年後,首度錄音,為女高音莎優(Bidú Sayão)伴奏維拉羅伯士的歌曲。1947年,為男高音林區(Christopher Lynch)的愛爾蘭民歌專輯擔任伴奏。這些原本只發行過78轉唱片的早期錄音便收錄在這套專輯的第一張CD中。 李奧納德.羅斯的正式錄音生涯始於1949年,在華爾特指揮紐約愛樂管弦樂團的協奏下,與其他兩位獨奏家合作貝多芬的《三重協奏曲》。1954年與史坦合作布拉姆斯的《雙重協奏曲》。而他最著名的獨奏專輯也完成於這個時期,1952年與鋼琴家漢布羅(Leonid Hambro)合作法朗克與葛利格的大提琴奏鳴曲,之後又合作貝多芬的大提琴奏鳴曲。他的學生馬友友表示:「羅斯先生在藝術表現上樹立了完整的標準......如果有所謂大提琴的理想聲音,他已然擁有.....而我知道他對這個錄音特別感到自豪」。 這套專輯的最後錄音是1973-74年間,羅斯於加拿大多倫敦與鋼琴怪傑顧爾德合作的巴哈三首奏鳴曲,紐約時報以「迷人」(fascinating)評論其演奏,而BBC音樂雜誌則完全臣服於兩人的演奏:「令人驚訝的是,兩個不同風格的演奏......並不衝突,而是相輔相成」。 這套專輯收錄的曲目包括:法朗克、葛利格、鮑凱利尼、布拉姆斯、貝多芬:大提琴奏鳴曲、布拉姆斯:雙重協奏曲、貝多芬:三重協奏曲、 布洛赫:所羅門-希伯來狂想曲、德弗乍克、聖桑、舒曼:大提琴協奏曲。多樣的內容,展現李奧納德.羅斯不拘一格的詮釋能力。其演奏屬於正統派的嚴謹風格,錄音皆屬經典,值得愛樂者投入時間與心力仔細聆賞。 |
DISC 1: Villa-Lobos: Aria - Cantilena from Bachiana brasileira No. 5 (Bidú Sayão, soprano; Leonard Rose, cello) Moore-Traditional: The minstrel boy (Christopher Lynch, tenor; John Wummer, flute; Leonard Rose, cello; Laura Newell, harp) Traditional: The garden where the praties grow (Christopher Lynch, tenor; John Wummer, flute; Leonard Rose, cello; Laura Newell, harp) Spencer-Glover: The rose of Tralee (Christopher Lynch, tenor; John Wummer, flute; Leonard Rose, cello; Laura Newell, harp) Sargent-Traditional: The Palatine's daughter (Christopher Lynch, tenor; John Wummer, flute; Leonard Rose, cello; Laura Newell, harp) Brennan-Ball: A little bit of heaven (Christopher Lynch, tenor; John Wummer, flute; Leonard Rose, cello; Laura Newell, harp) Traditional: A Ballynure ballad (Christopher Lynch, tenor; John Wummer, flute; Leonard Rose, cello; Laura Newell, harp) Olcott-Graff-Ball: When Irish eyes are smiling (Christopher Lynch, tenor; John Wummer, flute; Leonard Rose, cello; Laura Newell, harp) Moore-Traditional: The young man moon (Christopher Lynch, tenor; John Wummer, flute; Leonard Rose, cello; Laura Newell, harp) Lover-Lohr: You'd better ask me (Christopher Lynch, tenor; John Wummer, flute; Leonard Rose, cello; Laura Newell, harp) DISC 2: Bloch: Schelomo Hebraic Rhapsody for Cello & Orchestra Saint-Saens: Concerto No. 1 in A Minor for Cello and Orchestra, Op. 33 DISC 3: Beethoven: Cello Sonata No. 3 in A Major, Op. 69 (Leonard Rose, cello; Mieczysław Horszowski, piano) Beethoven: Sonata No. 5 in D Major for Cello and Piano, Op. 102, No. 2 (Leonard Rose, cello; Leonid Hambro, piano) DISC 4: Franck: Sonata in A for Cello and Piano (Leonard Rose, cello; Leonid Hambro, piano) Grieg: Sonata for Piano and Cello in A Minor, Op. 36 (Leonard Rose, cello; Leonid Hambro, piano) DISC 5: Schubert: Sonata in A minor For Cello and Piano, D.821 "Arpeggione" (Leonard Rose, cello; Leonid Hambro, piano) Boccherini: Sonata No. 6 in A Major for Cello and Piano, G. 4 (Leonard Rose, cello; Leonid Hambro, piano) Sammartini: Sonata in G Major (Leonard Rose, cello; Leonid Hambro, piano) DISC 6: Brahms: Sonata No. 1 for Cello and Piano in E Minor, Op. 38 (Leonard Rose, cello; Leonid Hambro, piano) Brahms: Sonata No. 2 for Cello and Piano in F Major, Op. 99 (Leonard Rose, cello; Leonid Hambro, piano) DISC 7: Brahms: Double Concerto in A minor For Violin and Cello, Op. 102 (Isaac Stern, violin; Leonard Rose, cello) Beethoven: Concerto in C Major for Piano, Violin, Violoncello and Orchestra, Op. 56 "Triple Concerto" (John Corigliano, violin; Leonard Rose, cello; Walter Hendl, piano) DISC 8: Schumann: Concerto for Cello and Orchestra in A minor, Op. 129 Bloch: Schelomo Hebraic Rhapsody for Cello & Orchestra DISC 9: Barber: Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 38: John Browning, piano Schuman: Songs of Orpheus (Fantasy for Cello and Orchestra) DISC 10: Dvorak: Concerto in B minor for Cello and Orchestra, Op. 104 Tchaikovsky: Variations on a Rococo Theme for Cello and Orchestra in A Major, Op. 33 DISC 11: Brahms: Concerto in A minor for Violin, Cello and Orchestra, Op. 102 "Double Concerto" (Isaac Stern, violin; Leonard Rose, cello) Beethoven: Concerto for Violin, Cello, Piano and Orchestra in C Major, Op. 56, "Triple Concerto" (Isaac Stern, violin; Leonard Rose, cello; Eugene Istomin, piano) DISC 12: Schubert: Sonata in A minor For Cello and Piano, D.821 "Arpeggione" (Leonard Rose, cello; Samuel Sanders, piano) Schumann: Fantasiestücke, Op. 73 (Leonard Rose, cello; Samuel Sanders, piano) Chopin: Introduction and Polonaise Brillante for Cello and Piano, Op. 3 (Leonard Rose, cello; Samuel Sanders, piano) DISC 13: Lalo: Concerto for Cello and Orchestra in D Minor Saint-Saens: Concerto No. 1 for Cello and Orchestra in A minor, Op. 33 Fauré: Elegy for Cello and Orchestra, Op. 24 DISC 14: Bach: Sonata No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1027 (Glenn Gould, piano; Leonard Rose, cello) Bach: Sonata No. 2 in D Major, BWV 1028 (Glenn Gould, piano; Leonard Rose, cello) Bach: Sonata No. 3 in G minor, BWV 1029 (Glenn Gould, piano; Leonard Rose, cello) |
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