
19658833272/Martin Stadtfeld: Baroque Colours


◎ 藉由鋼琴引領樂迷全面欣賞從巴哈到拉莫的巴洛克音樂
◎ 德國鋼琴家史岱費爾德親自改編並演奏
◎ 改編著名巴洛克熱門歌曲和不為人知的音樂瑰寶
◎ 向17世紀初至18世紀中葉的極其豐富的巴洛克音樂寶庫致敬

  CD1:由家喻戶曉的音樂名家所作的原創作品。包含巴哈、韓德爾和史卡拉第,還有拉莫、羅耶、庫普蘭、巴爾達薩雷·加魯皮(Baldassare Galuppi)、安東尼奧·索爾(Antonio Soler)和姚阿幸·庫瑙(Joachim Kuhnau),或約瑟夫·尼古拉斯·潘克拉斯·羅耶(Joseph-Nicolas-Pancrace Royer)等鮮為人知的音樂瑰寶。
  CD2:將一些最著名的巴洛克名曲進行全新的改編 — 全部由馬丁·史岱費爾德本人親自完成。 如帕海貝爾《卡農》、巴哈《前奏曲》、四手聯彈版維瓦第《四季》之「夏」和《四季》之「冬」,四首巴哈「冥想曲」,其中一首改編自著名的《G弦上之歌》,兩首韓德爾的「冥想曲」,則根據著名的「薩拉邦德」和「讚美曲」改編、柯瑞里的「佛利亞」(Folia)、沃爾皮烏斯(Melchior Vulpius)的教會音樂「哦,請留下你的恩典」(Ach bleib mit Deiner Gnade),以及普塞爾的《仙后》等。
  史岱費爾德表示:「挑選曲目時,我意識到現在的年輕人的聆聽習慣與20年前完全不同。他們經常透過TikTok視頻中30秒的音頻發現音樂。為了吸引這些年輕人以及有經驗的音樂聽眾,我選擇了短小、情感豐富、具有立竿見影效果的巴洛克作品。並我用自己編排的巴洛克作品來加強這些內容,其中我試圖將音樂濃縮至其精隨並增添新意。我的想法是提供豐富多彩、小而多樣的旋律調色盤供樂迷發掘。 為此,我們特意讓錄音的聲音呈現近距離的溫暖感受,以營造一種透明和親密的氛圍。」
  先前史岱費爾德2019 年的專輯《韓德爾變奏曲》(Händel Variations)便大獲好評,其中其中同樣收錄鋼琴改編的著名巴洛克作品,音響論壇(Fono Forum)便表示:「史岱費爾德透過其令人崇敬和熱愛的編曲方式,使詠嘆調之美透過其獨有的合聲與音韻節奏,而閃閃動人。」在這張專輯中,他再度發揮其獨有的音樂美學,創造動人的境界。藉此向 17 世紀初至 18 世紀中葉的極其豐富的巴洛克音樂寶庫致敬,並讓愛樂者體驗其對音樂在知性與感性的關注。


CD 1 (original works)
  1. Johann Kuhnau: Prelude from "Partie V" in G-Major  01:41
  2. Johann Kuhnau: Gigue from "Partie V" in G-Major  01:04
  3. Francois Couperin: Prélude No. 7 in B-Major  01:28
  4. Francois Couperin: Les Barricades Mystérieuses  02:35
  5. Johann Sebastian Bach: Andante from the Sonata BWV 964   02:37
  6. Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata in f- minor, K. 466  03:16
  7. Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata in A minor, K. 54   01:57
  8. Georg Friedrich Händel: Sonata B-flat Major HWV 434 Prelude   01:26
  9. Georg Friedrich Händel: Sonata B-flat Major HWV 434 Allegro   01:23
  10. Georg Friedrich Händel: Sonata B-flat Major HWV 434 Aria con Variazioni   02:34
  11. Jean-Philippe Rameau: Gigue en Rondeau (from Suite in E - minor)    01:40
  12. Jean-Philippe Rameau: Tambourin (from Suite in E minor)    01:11
  13. Baldassare Galuppi: Sonata No. 3 C minor: I Allegro moderato   02:10
  14. Baldassare Galuppi: Sonata No. 3 C minor II. Allegro   01:41
  15. Antonio Soler: Sonata No. 21 in C-sharp minor, R. 21   02:25
  16. Joseph-Nicolas-Pancrace Royer: Tambourins, Suite des Matelots  01:26
  17. Joseph-Nicolas-Pancrace Royer: Le Marche des Scythes  05:21
  18. - 19. Johann Sebastian Bach: Prelude and Fugue E- flat major from Well-tempered Clavier, Book 2, BWV 876   (03:02/ 03:20)

CD 2  New arrangements for piano, all by Martin Stadtfeld
  1. J. S. Bach: Prelude No.1 in C-Major from The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I: (arr. for four hands - with Liliana Akopova, piano) 01:44
  2. Jean-Baptiste Lully: Passacaglia from Armide, LWV 71 (version for four hands - with Lilian Akopova)  03:45
  3. Johann Pachelbel:  Canon (arranged for piano with four hands - with Liliana Akopova)  03:44
  4. Henry Purcell: "Hush, no more, be silent" (from The Fairy Queen)  02:23
  5. Henry Purcell: Chaconne-Dance for Chinese Man and Women (from The Fairy Queen)  02:21
  6. Antonio Vivaldi: Four Seasons Summer (after Four Seasons, Summer RV 315, III, Presto)  02:44
  7. Antonio Vivaldi: Four Seasons Winter (after Four Seasons Winter, RV 297, III, Allegro-Lento)  01:43
  8. Georg Philipp Telemann: Allegro (from Trumpet Concerto in D Major TWV 51: D7)  01:40
  9. Gaspar Sanz: Canarios  01:30
  10. Georg Friedrich Händel: Praise (arr. for piano from "Dank sei Dir, Herr",  Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, fake by Siegfried Ochs)  02:13
  11. Johann Kuhnau: Piano Improvisation 1 (after Prelude from Partita)  01:06
  12. Johann Kuhnau: Piano Improvisation 2 (after Prelude from Partita V)  01:16
  13. Johann Sebastian Bach: Piano Mediation 1 (after Minuet in D minor from "Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach")  01:03
  14. Johann Sebastian Bach: Piano Meditation 2 (after Minuet in G minor, "Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach")  01:23
  15. Johann Sebastian Bach: Air Piano Meditation  01:53
  16. Johann Sebastian Bach: Fugue Piano Mediation (after Fugue for Organ in G minor, BWV 578)  01:47
  17. Georg Friedrich Händel: Chaconne Piano Mediation (after Chaconne in G Major, HWV 435) 01:44
  18. Georg Friedrich Händel: Sarabande Piano Meditation (after Sarabande from Suite in D minor, HWV 437)  01:11
  19. Georg Friedrich Händel: Aria Piano Meditation (after Aria "Eternal Source of Light Divine")  01:53
  20. Arcangelo Corelli: Folia Piano Variation 1 (after A. Corelli: Violin Sonata in D minor "La Folia", Op. 5 No. 12)  00:47
  21. Arcangelo Corelli: Folia Piano Variation 2 00:58
  22. Arcangelo Corelli: Prelude Piano Variation (after Corelli, Prelude from Violin Sonata in F Major, Op. 5 No.10)  01:51
  23. - 26. Melchior Vulpius: Meditation 1 – 4 on  "Ach bleib mit Deiner Gnade"  (02:21/ 02:20/ 00:58/ 02:51)

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