伯恩斯坦十大銘盤 11CD
◎ 十張伯恩斯坦最受歡迎的唱片
◎ 伯恩斯坦最具代表性經典錄音,為其音樂詮釋的終極基準
◎ 重現黑膠唱片原始封面設計
這套專輯收錄全能音樂家伯恩斯坦 (Leonard Bernstein, 1918-1990)最具代表性錄音作品,其最著名的詮釋和創作盡皆收錄在這 10 張精心挑選之原創專輯的 11 張 CD 中。錄音均來自1950 年代和 60 年代他為美國哥倫比亞唱片公司發行的專輯。
1957年伯恩斯坦就任紐約愛樂管弦樂團,成為樂團有史以來最年輕的音樂總監,兩個月後的1958 年 1 月完成了《春之祭》的錄音,「今日古典網站」(ClassicsToday.com)評論:「它具有其他版本無法比擬的興奮、自發性和原始的怒火。」而他的的第一套馬勒交響曲錄音,也是唱片史上第一套馬勒全集錄音。他更曾特別發表「馬勒:他的時代已然來臨」一文,結果引爆了二十世紀的馬勒風潮。另外,他所詮釋的德弗乍克《新世界》交響曲,「今日古典網站」評論:「《新世界》沒有所謂的『權威』錄音,但如果有的話,這份錄音將是最接近那個想像中的理想。」
伯恩斯坦作為他那個時代最具活力和魅力的指揮家而享有崇高的國際聲譽,而其發行過的專輯至今仍然令人讚嘆。這套專輯的錄音都出自先前出版的套裝全集,包含100張CD的「再現伯恩斯坦」(Leonard Bernstein - The Remastered Edition)中。這套大全集曾獲得葛萊美獎的肯定,如今再從中嚴選十張專輯,錄音並加以重新處理,呈現伯恩斯坦最完美的詮釋
Sony Classical's selection of his benchmark recordings
Sony Classical is pleased to present a special edition of Leonard Bernstein's American Columbia recordings from the 1950s and 1960s. Some of the conductor-composer's most celebrated interpretations and works are collected here on these carefully chosen 10 original albums on 11 CDs.
There is, of course, the still-astonishing album that launched Leonard Bernstein's international reputation as the most dynamic and charismatic conductor of his era, Stravinsky's Rite of Spring recorded in January 1958 – two months after his appointment as the youngest music director in the New York Philharmonic's history. Reviewing a 2013 reissue, ClassicsToday.com declared: "It has an excitement, spontaneity, and primal fury that no other version quite matches."
The Bernstein recording that launched the "Mahler Renaissance" in the 1960s is also here: his Third Symphony with the New York Philharmonic, which has arguably never been surpassed. And while we're talking about Third Symphonies, Bernstein's "Eroica" still sounds "wonderfully vibrant" (Gramophone) a half century after its first release. There is also his reading of Dvořák's most popular symphony – "There's no such thing as a 'definitive' recording [of the "New World"], but if there were, this one would come close to that imagined ideal" (ClassicsToday) – and two from Haydn's magnificent "Paris" set: "It's debatable whether there have been better performances" (ClassicalNet).
Bernstein himself conducts and plays Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue ("The one indispensable recording of this familiar work, paired with an equally fine American in Paris" – New York Times). Bernstein the pianist also accompanies Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, at the peak of his matchless career, in an acclaimed album of Mahler lieder. The ballets Rodeo and Billy the Kid by Bernstein's mentor and friend Aaron Copland are included: "Even the composer couldn't make [them] dance the way Bernstein does" (New York Times).
Bernstein the composer is also generously represented. The original Broadway cast recording of Candide from 1956 is included, as is the definitive version of his most famous work: the original Broadway cast recording of West Side Story from 1957.
The re-masterings in this new collection are the best ever issued of these thrilling recordings by one of the last century's greatest musicians, selected from the Grammy® award-winning Leonard Bernstein – The Composer and the Leonard Bernstein – Remastered editions. Sony Classical's new 11-CD Leonard Bernstein box set is the perfect introduction to the work of this American genius.
Beethoven: Symphony No. 3 in E-flat major, op. 55 "Eroica"
Bernstein: West Side Story (Original Broadway Cast) | Max Gobermann, conductor
Bernstein: Candide
Copland: Rodeo
Copland: Billy the Kid
Dvořák: Symphony No. 9 in E minor, op. 95 "From the New World"
Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue | Leonard Bernstein, piano
Gershwin: An American in Paris
Grofé: Grand Canyon Suite
Haydn: Symphony No. 82 in C major, Hob. I: 82 "The Bear"
Haydn: Symphony No. 83 in G minor, Hob. I:83 "La Poule"
Mahler: Four Songs from Rückert-Lieder Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, baritone
Mahler: Lieder und Gesänge aus der Jugendzeit Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, baritone
Mahler: Phantasie aus Don Juan Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, baritone
Mahler: Erinnerung Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, baritone
Mahler: Ich ging mit Lust durch einen grünen Wald Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, baritone
Mahler: Frühlingsmorgen Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, baritone
Mahler: Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, baritone
Mahler: Symphony No. 3 in D minor (Part I)
DISC 10:
Mahler: Symphony No. 3 in D minor (Part II)
DISC 11:
Stravinksy: Le sacre du printemps (1913 Version)
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