
19439892602 -JONAS KAUFMANN :LISZT - Freudvoll und Leidvoll

喜樂與憂傷 - 
考夫曼,男高音 / 德曲,鋼琴

◎ 考夫曼是當今最佳的男高音
◎ 揭示李斯特被忽視的歌曲中優美的旋律
◎ 鋼琴伴奏大師德曲與考夫曼再度合作

  德國當紅男高音考夫曼與鋼琴伴奏大師德曲(Helmut Deutsch)再度合作,兩人親密和諧的演出,揭示了李斯特被忽視的歌曲中優美的旋律。專輯名稱源自李斯特的歌曲:Freudvoll und leidvoll(作品編號S. 280),意為:喜樂與憂傷。
  李斯特在音樂與文學的造詣有目共睹,不僅在鋼琴曲引經據典,對結合文學和音樂結合的藝術歌曲也有獨到見解。曾以五種語言(德、法、英、意和匈牙利)創作八十多首藝術歌曲,其中採用德國詩人的創作譜寫的歌曲就有六十餘首,以海涅描寫萊茵河女妖的詩作所創作的歌曲《羅蕾萊》(Die Loreley, S. 273/2) 最具代表性。
  李斯特曾將自己創作的歌曲改編成鋼琴曲,結果這些鋼琴曲卻蓋過歌曲的鋒芒,如三首《佩托拉克的十四行詩》(Tre sonetti di Petrarca,S. 270),而《喔愛,儘你所能去愛》(O lieb, solang du lieben kannst,S. 298),則是舉世聞名的《愛之夢》(Liebestraum, no. 3.)之前身。
  另外,《我的歌裡有毒》(Vergiftet sind meine Lieder, S.289)裡,指定演唱從F音到#E音,首度將鋼琴的十二平均律用在人聲上面,在當時是跨時代的新穎手法,十分具前瞻性。
  生於1969年的考夫曼,聲音與詮釋力正值顛峰。自從翁德里希(Fritz Wunderlich, 1930-1966)以36歲英年早逝之後,考夫曼是第一位能夠晉級頂尖男高音的德國人,也是第一位在義語和法語演唱都受到肯定的德國籍男高音。然而作為來自德國的歌唱家,對於詮釋德奧藝術歌曲自然得心應手,數年前便曾以理查・史特勞斯《歌曲集》獲得留聲機雜誌的「年度藝術歌曲獎」。

FRANZ LISZT 1811–1886

1. Vergiftet sind meine Lieder, S. 289 (1:27)
2. Freudvoll und leidvoll „Rev. v. Eugen d'Albert", S. 280 (2:26)
3. Freudvoll und leidvoll „2. Vertonung 1848", S. 280 (1:26)
4. Der König von Thule, S. 278 (3:41)  
5. Im Rhein, im schönen Strome, S. 272 (3:36)
6. Die Loreley, S. 273/2 (6:31)  
7. Ihr Glocken von Marling, S. 328 (2:39)  
8. Die drei Zigeuner, S. 320 (5:36)  

  3 Sonetti del Petrarca, S. 270    
9. Benedetto sia 'l giorno, S. 270a/1 (6:00)
10. Pace non trovo, S. 270a/2 (6:47)
11. I' vidi in terra angelici costumi, S. 270a/3 (5:23)        
12. Es muss ein Wunderbares sein, S. 314 (1:40)  
13. O lieb, solang du lieben kannst, S. 298 (5:05)    
14. Die stille Wasserrose, S.321 (3:36)    
15. Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam, S. 309 (2:37)  
16. Es rauschen die Winde, S. 294 (3:06)
17. Ich möchte hingehn, S. 296 (7:24)    
18. Der du von dem Himmel bist „Erste Fassung, veröffentlicht 1842",  S. 279 (4:30)                   
19. Der du von dem Himmel bist „Letzte Fassung, veröffentlicht 1860", S. 279 (3:27)    
20. Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh, S. 306    

李斯特 1811-1886

1. 我的歌裡有毒,S.289  (1:27)
2. 喜樂與憂傷(Rev. v. Eugen d'Albert),S.280 (2:26)
3. 喜樂與憂傷(2. Vertonung 1848),S.280 (1:26)
4. 圖勒之王,S.278 (3:41)
5. 在萊茵河,在美麗的河流中,S.272(3:36)
6. 羅蕾萊,S. 273/2 (6:31)
7. 馬林的鐘聲,S.328 (2:39)
8. 三個吉普賽人,S.320 (5:36)

三首《佩托拉克的十四行詩》,S. 270
9. 祝福每一天,S. 270a/1 (6:00)
10. 我找不到安寧,S. 270a/2 (6:47)
11. 我所見到的最美天使,S. 270a/3 (5:23)

12. 這一定是一件美妙的事情,S.314  (1:40)
13. 喔愛,儘你所能去愛,S.298  (5:05)
14. 靜水升起,S.321 (3:36)
15. 一棵孤獨的雲杉樹,S.309 (2:37)
16. 風在沙沙吹,S.294  (3:06)
17. 我想去,S.296  (7:24)
18. 誰來自天堂(第一版,1842 年出版),S.279 (4:30)
19. 誰來自天堂(最終版,1860 年出版),S.279 (3:27)
20. 最重要的是和平,S.306

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舒曼:藝術歌曲全集 11CD
葛哈爾,男中音 / 胡伯,鋼琴

◎ 近年少有的舒曼藝術歌曲全集錄音
◎ 德國男中音葛哈爾表示:這是我一生最重要的計畫
◎ 德文歌曲當代最佳典範,最極致的歌唱藝術魅力

  當代著名的男中音葛哈爾(Christian Gerhaher)以無比的毅力,歷時15年終於將舒曼藝術歌曲的錄音計畫完成。計畫始於2004年,至2020年完成。葛哈爾在老搭檔胡伯(Gerold Huber)的鋼琴伴奏下演出,默契極佳。他特別強調:「這可能是我一生最重要的計畫。」而自從費雪狄斯考於1970年代錄製舒曼的歌曲全集之後,再也沒有其他聲樂家願意全心投入舒曼的藝術歌曲作品的錄音。留聲機雜誌便表示:「這是一項了不起的成就和持續不斷的藝術奇蹟:微妙而精彩的表現、無可挑剔的事前準備,以及感動人心的執行成果。」
  整套專輯共11張CD,共收錄299首舒曼的藝術歌曲。包含先前發行的「疑問」(Frage, 2018)、「桃金孃」(Myrthen, 2019)、「詩人之戀」(Dichterliebe, 2004) 與「憂鬱」(Melancholie, 2008)四張專輯。其餘七張CD則為全新未曾發行過的錄音。專輯邀集了十位男女歌唱家一起合作。對於葛哈爾來說,這是他夢想已久的錄音計畫,如今終於成真。
  此計畫中的「疑問」專輯,英國「衛報」曾給予五顆星的評價,並選為十大古典專輯。其評論表示:「舒曼的作品讓男中音葛哈爾與鋼琴家胡伯,展現最好的一面。」英國「留聲機雜誌」樂評認為這是一張「值得珍藏與品味的專輯」。瑞士的 「新蘇黎世報」則認為:「德文藝術歌曲的極致表現。為藝術歌曲的詮釋開啟嶄新的大門。」
  葛哈爾表示:「胡伯和我熱切地希望錄製舒曼的每一首歌曲。 它源於32年來我們對德文藝術歌曲遺產的持久熱情。我們的目標是展示多年來我們對舒曼的珍愛。」葛哈爾將睿智的詩意與音色的層次變化作結合,給予舒曼藝術歌曲最完美的詮釋,在當今藝術歌曲的領域絕對無人能及。而這套錄音全集也將會是其歌唱事業最偉大的成就之一。


CD 1
Liederkreis nach Gedichten von Heinrich Heine, op.24 (1840)
Romanzen und Balladen, Vol. IV, op. 64 (1840)
Zwölf Gedichte aus Friedrich Rückerts „Liebesfrühling", op. 37 (1840/41)

CD 2
Myrthen – Liederkreis, op.25 (1840)
Lieder und Gesänge, Vol. II, op. 51 (1840)
Drei Gedichte von Emanuel Geibel, op. 30 (1840)

CD 3
Liederkreis von Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff, op.39 (1840)
Drei Gesänge, op. 31
Drei Gedichte von Emanuel Geibel, op. 29
Romanzen und Balladen, Vol. III, op. 53 (1840)

Frauenliebe und -leben, op. 42 (1840)
Lieder und Gesänge Vol. I, op. 27 (1840)
Dichterliebe – Liederzyklus aus dem „Buch der Lieder" von Heinrich Heine, op. 48 (1840)

Fünf Lieder, op. 40 (1840)
Drei Duette, op. 43 (1840)
Zwölf Gedichte von Justinus Kerner – Eine Liederreihe, op. 35
Fünf Lieder und Gesänge, op. 127 (1840)

Romanzen und Balladen Vol. I, op. 45 (1840)
Belsatzar, op. 57 (Heinrich Heine, 1840)
Sechs Gedichte aus dem Liederbuch eines Malers, op. 36 (1840)
Vier Duette, op.34 (1840)
Romanzen und Balladen Vol. II, op. 49 (1840)
Vier Gesänge, op. 142 (1840)

Liederalbum für die Jugend, op. 79 (1849)
Drei Gedichte aus den Waldliedern von Gustav Pfarrius, op. 119 (1851)

Lieder und Gesänge Vol. IV op. 96 (1850)
Der Handschuh op. 87 (Friedrich Schiller, 1849)
Lieder und Gesänge, Vol. III op. 77 (1850)
Drei Gesänge aus Lord Byrons „Hebräischen Gesängen" op. 95 (1849)
Lieder und Gesänge aus Goethes „Wilhelm Meister" op.98a (1849)

Spanisches Liederspiel op. 74 (1849)
Fünf heitere Gesänge op. 125 (1850)
Spanische Liebeslieder op. 138 (1849)

Sechs Gesänge op. 107 (1851)
Sommerruh WoO 7 (Christian Schad, 1849)
Mädchenlieder von Elisabeth Kulmann op. 103 (1851)
Minnespiel aus Friedrich Rückerts „Liebesfrühling" op. 101 (1849)
Vier Duette op. 78 (1849)
Sieben Lieder von Elisabeth Kulmann op. 104 (1851)

Drei Gesänge op. 83 (1850)
Drei Lieder op. 114 (1849)
Gedichte der Königin Maria Stuart op. 135 (1852)
Sechs Gesänge von Wilfried von der Neun op. 89 (1850)
Vier Husarenlieder von Nikolaus Lenau op. 117 (1851)
Sechs Gedichte von Nikolaus Lenau und Requiem op. 90 (1851)
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igor - ON DSCH (3CD)

蕭士塔高維契之生命動機 3CD

⊚ 專輯意在向蕭士塔高維契致敬
⊚ 以蕭士塔高維契名字的德文縮寫DSCH為專輯理念發想

  專輯收錄兩部值得關注的二十世紀現代樂作品,包含蕭士塔高維契(Dmitri Shostakovich, 1906-1975)的《24首前奏曲與賦格》(作品87),以及蘇格蘭作曲家史雲遜(Ronald Stevenson, 1928–2015)的《DSCH帕薩卡利亞舞曲》。封面由經常為「紐約克」雜誌與「紐約時報」繪製插圖的知名的藝術家Christoph Niemann特別為本專輯設計。
  蕭士塔高維契曾將其名字的德文Dimitri SCHostakowitsch縮寫為DSCH,並將字母轉化成為「D,E♭,C,B」四個音,成為其個人專屬的音樂動機(motif)。因此DSCH便成為蕭士塔高維契的專用代號。他不但以此四個音為動機創作數部作品,後來也有許多作曲家此動機,創作向其致敬的樂曲。
  蕭士塔高維契的《24首前奏曲與賦格》是他在1950年七月應邀前往萊比錫擔任巴哈兩百年紀念音樂會的評審,於路途中,因追憶巴哈之偉大而興起作曲的念頭。他師法巴哈《平均律鍵盤曲集》的作曲方式,於1950底到1951年初完成這部作品。因為受到史達林主義的摧殘,蕭士塔高維契的創作因而顯得十分內省。專輯演奏者勒維特將此曲描述為「一種音樂日記」:其中「有一些相當獨特的東西」,他說:「關於這種溫暖、直接和純粹孤獨的結合。 對我來說,這是一種處理最私密問題的自我探索和自我發現的儀式。
  史雲遜的《DSCH帕薩卡利亞舞曲》創作於1963年,作品中加入了DSCH動機,意在向蕭士塔高維契致敬。而「帕薩卡利亞舞曲」(Passacaglia)是巴洛克晚期的一種舞曲形式,起源於17世紀早期的西班牙。這種曲式常常被使用於嚴肅的樂段,且通常以持續低音及三拍子寫成。史雲遜是一個十分孤獨的創作者,以鋼琴為起點探索世界,有著烏托邦式的人生觀。他以DSCH 的音樂動機為主題,對鋼琴演奏方式與風格進行了超過300種各式變化與嘗試。勒維特認為這首作品「是名副其實的生活綱要,是一種告訴我們對整個世界應負何種責任的音樂

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19439836492 / Marian Anderson – Beyond the Music (15CD)

瑪麗安·安德森 -
音樂之外的人權鬥士 15CD

⊚ 美國著名黑人歌手瑪麗安·安德森誕生125週年紀念專輯
⊚ 指揮大師托斯卡尼尼的讚譽她是「百年難得一遇的歌聲
收錄RCA Victor唱片錄製的所有專輯

  美國著名的黑人歌手瑪麗安·安德森(Marian Anderson),是其同世代中最優秀的女低音(contralto)。1897年2月27出生於費城,1993年4月8日逝世於波特蘭,享年96歲。2022年是她誕生125週年,為此Sony唱片公司特別企劃這套錄音全集。
  她的演唱曲目廣泛包含民謠、藝術歌曲、聖歌與歌劇選曲。音樂評論家艾倫·布萊思(Alan Blyth)指:「她的聲音是一種豐富、充滿活力的內在美的女低音。」曾有許多歐洲重要歌劇團邀約演出,但她自認沒有接受過表演訓練,只願在演唱會或音樂會上演出。
  活躍於1925年至1965年期間,獲得指揮大師托斯卡尼尼的讚譽:稱她是「百年難得一遇的歌聲」。儘管是美國和整個歐洲20 世紀初最著名的聲音之一,但仍不免遭受種族歧視。作為一名黑人女性,在巡迴演出期間,許多酒店仍拒絕她進入。大科學家愛因斯坦是曾經親自接待安德森的人之一。
  這套專輯收錄了她為RCA Victor唱片錄製的所有專輯。錄音均以24 bit / 96 kHz技術處理,音源取自從早年的漆盤(lacquer disc)與類比母帶,集錄為15張CD。從最早於1923-24年為勝利留聲機公司所做的錄音,到1966年為RCA紅標所做的立體聲錄音,這些錄音首度完整呈現在一套專輯中。

(Items new to CD/digital on Sony Classical in RED)
Spirituals 1923–1946
Traditional arr. Burleigh: Deep River [1923], with Rosario Bouron
Traditional arr. Burleigh: My way's cloudy [1923], with Rosario Bouron
Traditional arr. Burleigh: Go Down, Moses (Let my people go) [1924], with Mr. Prince
Traditional arr. Burleigh: Heav'n, Heav'n [1924], with Mr. Prince
Traditional arr. Brown: Nobody knows de trouble I've seen [1924], with Josef Pasternack
Traditional arr. Burleigh: My Lord, what a mornin' [1924], with Joseph Pasternach
Traditional arr. Johnson: City Called Heaven [1936]
Traditional arr. Hayes: Lord, I Can't Stay Away [1936]
Traditional arr. Burleigh: Heav'n, Heav'n [1936]
Traditional arr. Burleigh: Go Down, Moses (Let my people go) [1936]
Traditional arr. Price: My Soul's Been Anchored in the Lord [1936]
Traditional arr. Burleigh: Sinner Please Doan Let Dis Harves' Pass [1939]
Traditional arr. Johnson: Honor, Honor [1939]
Traditional arr. Payne: Crucifixion [1941]
Traditional arr. Boatner: Trampin' [1941]
Traditional arr. Lawrence: Let Us Break Bread Together [1941]
Traditional arr. Price: My Soul's Been Anchored in the Lord [1941]
Traditional arr. Burleigh: Hard Trials [1941]
Traditional arr. Brown: Dere's No Hidin' Place Down Dere [1941]
Traditional Scottish: Comin' through the Rye [1941]
Traditional arr. Boatner: O What a Beautiful City! [1941]
Traditional arr. Dett: Poor Me [1946]
Traditional arr. Johnson: Hold On! [1945]
Lieder, Songs and Mélodies 1936–1951
Brahms: Alto Rhapsody, op. 53 [1939], with Eugene Ormandy
Brahms (orch. Hertz): Von ewiger Liebe, op. 43/1 [1939], with Eugene Ormandy
Schubert: Ave Maria (Ellens Gesang III), D 839 [1936]
Schubert: Schwanengesang: Aufenthalt, D 957/5 [1936]
Schubert: Die Forelle (In einem Bächlein helle), D 550 [1941]
Schubert: Die schöne Müllerin: Wohin?, D 795/2 [1945]
Sibelius: Säv, säv, susa, op. 36/4 [1936]
Sibelius: Flickan kom ifran sin älsklings möte, op. 37/5 [1936]
Massenet: Élégie (Song of Mourning) [1941]
Rachmaninoff: In the Silence of the Secret Night, op. 4/3 [1941]
Spross: Will O' The Wisp [1941]
Lehmann: The Cuckoo [1941]
Scott: Lullaby, op. 57/2 [1946]
Bucky: Hear the wind whispering [1945]
Thomas: O men from the fields [1946]
Hook: Bright Phoebus [1945]
Bland (orch. Black): Carry Me Back to Old Virginny [1941], with Charles O'Connell
Foster orch. Black: My Old Kentucky Home [1941], with Charles O'Connell
Bland: Carry Me Back to Old Virginny [1951], with Gregor Piatigorsky
Foster: My Old Kentucky Home [1951], with Gregor Piatigorsky
"Mr. President and Mrs. Roosevelt" [1940]
"Your Majesties" [1940]
Baroque Arias
Bach, J.S.: Cantata No. 12: Kreuz und Krone (Pain and Sorrow) [1946], with Robert Shaw
Bach, J.S.: Cantata No. 81: Jesus schläft, was soll ich hoffen? (Jesus Sleeps, What Hope Remaineth) [1946], with Robert Shaw
Bach, J.S.: Cantata No. 112: Zum reinen Wasser er mich weist (To Living Waters Bright And Clear) [1946], with Robert Shaw
Bach, J.S.: Weihnachtsoratorium: Bereite dich, Zion (Prepare Thyself, Zion) [1946], with Robert Shaw
Bach, J.S.: Matthäuspassion: Erbarme dich, mein Gott (Have Mercy, Lord on Me) [1946], with Robert Shaw
Handel: Messiah: He Shall Feed His Flock [1941], with Charles O'Connell
Mendelssohn: St. Paul, op. 36: But the Lord Is Mindful of His Own [1941], with Charles O'Connell
Handel: Messiah: He Was Despised and Rejected [1941], with Charles O'Connell
Mendelssohn: Elijah, op. 70: O Rest in The Lord [1941], with Charles O'Connell
Bach, J.S.: Johannespassion, BWV 245: All Is Fulfilled (Es ist vollbracht) [1941], with Charles O'Connell
Handel: Ottone, re di Germania: Come to me, soothing sleep (Lo sperai trovar riposo) [1950]
Handel: Floridante: Oh, what pleasure (Vanne, segu'il mio desio) [1950]
Handel: Floridante: The trumpet is calling (Un ombra di pace) [1950]
Handel: Die Flöte weich Gefühl (The soft complaining flute) from Ode for Saint Cecilia's Day [1939]
Handel: Deborah: Tears such as tender fathers shed [1939]
Purcell: Dido and Aeneas: When I am laid in Earth [1939]
Scarlatti: Se Florinda è fedele [1939]
Lieder by Brahms – Mahler – Strauss
Brahms: Alto Rhapsody, op. 53 [1950], with Fritz Reiner
Mahler: Kindertotenlieder [1950], with Pierre Monteux
Strauss, R.: Befreit, op. 39/4 [1947]
Brahms: Vier ernste Gesänge, op. 121 [1952]
Brahms: Alto Rhapsody, op. 53 [1945], with Pierre Monteux
Lieder by Schubert and Schumann
Schubert: Schwanengesang: Liebesbotschaft, D 957/1 [1950]
Schubert: Erlkönig (Wer reitet so spät durch Nacht und Wind), D 328 [1951]
Schubert: Schwanengesang: Ständchen, D 957/4 [1951]
Schubert: Gretchen am Spinnrade (Meine Ruh ist hin), D 118 [1950]
Schubert: Der Tod und das Mädchen (Vorüber, ach vorüber), D 531 [1946]
Schubert: Die Forelle (In einem Bächlein helle) D 550 [1951]
Schubert: Ave Maria (Ellens Gesang III), D 839 [1946]
Schubert: Die schöne Müllerin: Wohin?, D 795/2 [1951]
Schubert: Schwanengesang: Aufenthalt, D 957/5 [1946]
Schubert: Thekla. Eine Geisterstimme (Wo ich sei, und wo mich hingewendet), D 595 [1950]
Schubert: Dem Unendlichen (Wie erhebt sich das Herz) D 291 [1950]
Schumann: Frauenliebe und -leben, op. 42 [1950]
Traditional arr. Burleigh: Deep River [1952]
Traditional arr. Forrest: He's Got the Whole World in His Hands [1952]
Traditional arr. Johnson: Roll, Jerd'n, Roll! [1952]
Traditional arr. Burleigh: Go Down, Moses (Let my people go) [1952]
Traditional arr. Payne: Crucifixion [1952]
Traditional arr. Brown: Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child [1952]
Traditional arr. Lawrence: Let Us Break Bread Together [1952]
Traditional arr. Boatner: Plenty Good Room [1952]
Traditional arr. Brown: Every Time I Feel de Spirit [1952]
Traditional arr. Gimsey: If He Change My Name [1952]
Traditional arr. Boatner: O What a Beautiful City! [1952]
Traditional arr. Brown: Nobody knows de trouble I've seen [1947]
Traditional arr. Brown: Hear de Lam's A-Cryin' [1947]
Traditional arr. Burleigh: My Lord, what a mornin' [1947]
Traditional arr. Burleigh: Were You There? [1947]
Traditional arr. Boatner: On Ma Journey [1947]
Traditional arr. Burleigh: De Gospel Train [1947]
Traditional arr. Boatner: Soon-a Will Be Done [1947]
Traditional arr. Burleigh: Sinner Please Doan Let Dis Harves' Pass [1947]
Traditional arr. Johnson: Honor, Honor [1947]
Traditional arr. Burleigh: Ride On, King Jesus [1947]
Verdi: A Masked Ball – Highlights
Verdi: A Masked Ball (abridged) [1955], with Dimitri Mitropoulos
Verdi: II Trovatore: Ai nostri monti, [1950], with Erich Leinsdorf
He's Got the Whole World in His Hands
Traditional arr. Forrest: He's Got the Whole World in His Hands [1961]
Traditional arr. Brown: Dere's No Hidin' Place Down Dere [1961]
Traditional arr. Boatner: I Want Jesus to Walk, with Me [1961]
Traditional arr. Burleigh: Oh, Didn't It Rain [1961]
Traditional arr. Price: I Am Bound for de Kingdom [1961]
Traditional arr. Burleigh: Oh, Wasn't Dat a Wide Ribber [1961]
Traditional arr. Price: My Soul's Been Anchored in the Lord [1961]
Traditional arr. Hayes: Lord, I Can't Stay Away [1961]
Traditional arr. Brown: Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child [1961]
Traditional arr. Johnson: Hold On! [1961]
Traditional arr. Burleigh: Scandalize My Name [1961]
Traditional arr. Brown: Great Gittin' Up Mornin' [1961]
Traditional arr. Johnson: Done Foun' My Los' Sheep [1961]
Traditional arr. Burleigh: I stood on de Ribber ob Jerdon [1961]
Traditional arr. Burleigh: Behold That Star [1961]
Traditional arr. Burleigh: Heav'n, Heav'n [1961]
Traditional arr. Burleigh: Oh, Peter, Go Ring Dem Bells [1961]
Traditional arr. Boatner: Trampin' [1961]
Traditional arr. Burleigh: Hard Trials [1961]
Traditional arr. Dett: Poor Me [1961] – previously unreleased
Christmas Carols
Traditional arr. Bennett: We Wish You a Merry Christmas [1962], with Robert Russell Bennett
Gruber: Silent Night [1962], with Robert Russell Bennett
Traditional arr. Bennett: Deck the Halls [1962], with Robert Russell Bennett
Bucky: Angel's Song [1962], with Robert Russell Bennett
French Traditional: The First Noel [1962], with Robert Russell Bennett
Schubert: Ave Maria (Ellens Gesang III), D 839 [1962], with Robert Russell Bennett
Traditonal : God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen [1962], with Robert Russell Bennett
Sears-Willia: It Came Upon a Midnight Clear [1962], with Robert Russell Bennett
Mason-Watts: Joy to the World [1962], with Robert Russell Bennett
Traditional: O Sanctissima [1962], with Robert Russell Bennett
Pierpont: Jingle Bells [1962], with Robert Russell Bennett
Spilman: Away In A Manger [1962], with Robert Russell Bennett
Traditional: The Twelve Days of Christmas [1962], with Robert Russell Bennett
Redner: O Little Town of Bethlehem [1951]
Gruber: Silent Night [1951]
French Traditional: The First Noel [1951]
Wesley: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing [1951]
Portuguese Traditional arr. Oakeley: Adeste Fideles (O Come All Ye Faithful) [1951]
Adam: Cantique de Noel (Oh Holy Night) [1951]
Bucky: Angel's Song [1951]
Bucky: Hallelujah [1951]
DISC 10:
Lieder by Schubert – Schumann – Brahms – Strauss – Haydn
Haydn: My Mother Bids Me Bind My Hair [1945], with Eugene Ormandy
Haydn: She Never Told Her Love [1945], with Eugene Ormandy
Schubert: Schwanengesang: Der Doppelgänger, D 957/13 [1947], with Eugene Ormandy
Schubert: Der Jüngling und der Tod (Die Sonne sinkt, o könnt ich mit ihr scheiden), D 545 [1947], with Eugene Ormandy
Schumann: Myrthen: Der Nussbaum, op. 25/3 [1945], with Eugene Ormandy
Schumann: 12 Gedichte: Stille Tränen, op. 35/10 [1945], with Eugene Ormandy
Strauss, R.: Morgen, op. 27/4 [1947], with Eugene Ormandy
Brahms (orch. Hertz): Dein blaues Auge hält so still, op. 59/8 [1939], with Eugene Ormandy
Brahms (orch. Hertz): Der Schmied, op. 19/4 [1939], with Eugene Ormandy
Brahms (orch. Hertz): Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer, op. 105/2 [1939], with Eugene Ormandy
Brahms: Gestillte Sehnsucht, op. 91/1 [1941], with Eugene Ormandy
Brahms: Geistliches Wiegenlied, op. 91/2 [1941], with Eugene Ormandy
Brahms: Die Schnur, die Perl an Perle, op. 57/7 [1941], with Eugene Ormandy
DISC 11:
Songs at Eventide
Dvorák (arr. Bennett): Songs My Mother Taught Me [1964]
Traditional arr. Bennett: Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms [1964]
Traditional arr. Bennett: All through the Night [1964]
Kjerulf (arr. Bennett): Last Night [1964]
Burns-Spilman (arr. Bennett): Flow Gently, Sweet Afton [1964]
Humperdinck (arr. Bennett): Hänsel und Gretel: Evening Prayer [1964]
Traditional arr. Bennett: Comin' Through the Rye [1964]
Mellish (arr. Bennett): Drink to Me Only, with Thine Eyes [1964]
Traditional arr. Bennett: Loch Lomond [1964]
Bingham-Molloy (arr. Bennett): Love's Old Sweet Song (Just A Song at Twilight) [1964]
Douglass-Scott (arr. Bennett): Annie Laurie [1964]
Brahms (arr. Bennett): Wiegenlied, op. 49/4 [1964]
DISC 12:
Farewell Recital at Constitution Hall
Handel: Hear Me Ye Winds and Waves (From "Scipio") [1964] – previously unreleased
Handel: Siroe, re di Persia: Ch'io Mai Vi Possa [1964]
Haydn: The Spirit's Song [1964]
Haydn: My Mother Bids Me Bind My Hair (Pastoral Song) [1964]
Schubert: Suleikas Gesang I (Was bedeutet die Bewegung), D 720 [1964]
Schubert: Schwanengesang: Liebesbotschaft, D 957/1 [1964]
Schubert: Schwanengesang: Der Doppelgänger, D 957/13 [1964]
Schubert: Erlkönig (Wer reitet so spät durch Nacht und Wind), D 328 [1964]
Barber: Nocturne, op. 13/4 [1964] – previously unreleased
Swanson-Huges: I've Known Rivers [1964] – previously unreleased
Quilter: Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind [1964]
Traditional arr. Britten: The Plough Boy [1964]
Traditional arr. Lawrence: Let Us Break Bread Together [1964]
Traditional arr. Boatner: Oh! What a Beautiful City [1964]
Traditional arr. Brown: Hear de Lam's A-Cryin' 1964] – previously unreleased
Traditional arr. Burleigh: Ride On, King Jesus [1964]
Traditional arr. Johnson: Done Foun' My Los' Sheep [1964]
Traditional arr. Hayes: Lord, I Can't Stay Away [1964]
Traditional arr. Johnson: Let's Have a Union [1964] - previously unreleased
Traditional arr. Forrest: He's Got the Whole World in His Hands [1964]
Encore Speech (abridged)
Schubert: Die schöne Müllerin: Ungeduld, D 795/7 [1965]
Traditional arr. Burleigh: Heav'n, Heav'n [1964] – previously unreleased
Schubert: Ave Maria (Ellens Gesang III), D 839 [1964] – previously unreleased
DISC 13:
Jus' Keep on Singin'
Traditional arr. Johnson: Oh, Heaven is One Beautiful Place, I Know [1964]
Traditional arr. Johnson: Lord, How Come Me Here? [1964]
Traditional arr. Johnson: Prayer Is de Key [1964]
Traditional arr. Johnson: He'll Bring It to Pass [1964]
Traditional arr. Johnson: You Go! [1964]
Traditional arr. Johnson: Jus' Keep on Singin' [1964]
Traditional arr. Johnson: Ain't Got Time to Die [1964]
Traditional arr. Johnson: I Been in de Storm So Long [1964]
Traditional arr. Johnson: I've Been 'Buked [1964]
Traditional arr. Johnson: Let's Have a Union [1964]
Traditional arr. Johnson: Oh, glory [1964]
Traditional arr. Johnson: Jus' Keep On Singin' / Ride On, King Jesus! [1964]
DISC 14:
Schubert and Brahms Lieder
Schubert: Schwanengesang: Liebesbotschaft, D 957/1 [1966]
Schubert: Die schöne Müllerin: Ungeduld, D 795/7 [1966]
Schubert: Der Tod und das Mädchen (Vorüber, ach vorüber), D 531 [1966]
Schubert: Die Forelle (In einem Bächlein helle), D 550 [1966]
Schubert: An die Musik (Du holde Kunst), D 547 [1966]
Schubert: Suleikas Gesang 1 (Was bedeutet die Bewegung), D 720 [1966]
Schubert: Gretchen am Spinnrade (Meine Ruh ist hin), D 118 [1966]
Schubert: Wiegenlied (Schlafe, holder süßer Knabe), D 498 [1966]
Schubert: Erlkönig (Wer reitet so spät durch Nacht und Wind), D 328 [1966]
Schubert: Heidenröslein (Sah ein Knab ein Röslein stehn), D 257 [1966]
Brahms: Von ewiger Liebe, op. 43/1 [1966]
Brahms: Botschaft, op. 47/1 [1966]
Brahms: Vergebliches Ständchen, op. 84/4 [1966]
Brahms: Der Schmied, op. 19/4 [1966]
Brahms: Dein blaues Auge hält so still, op. 59/8 [1966]
DISC 15:
The Lady from Philadelphia
Soundtrack to the "See It Now" television program, narrated by Edward R. Murrow, first broadcast on 30 December 1957. It documented Marian Anderson's tour of Asia September to November 1957.
Marian Anderson visits the 24th Infantry Division
Marian Anderson with the 8th Army Choir – There's No Place Like Home
Marian Anderson receives an honorary degree in Seoul
"He's Got the Whole World in His Hands" in Seoul
Traveling to Saigon – "Getting to Know You"
Traveling to Bangkok – Marian Anderson speaks about her favorite songs and emancipation
Marian Anderson meets the king of Thailand
"Comin' Through the Rye" in Thailand
"Ständchen" in the Philippines
"Ave Maria" in India
"Heav'n Heav'n"
"Let My People Go" in Vietnam
"The Plough Boy"
Marian Anderson speaks with Buddhist scholars
"There's No Hidin Place Down There" in Burma
Marian Anderson meets the Prime Minister of Burma
Marian Anderson responds to Arkansas governor
Marian Anderson visits Kuala Lumpur
Malaysian National Anthem in Kuala Lumpur
Marian Anderson introduces "You've Got to Be Taught"
"You've Got to Be Taught" in Kuala Lumpur
Traveling to Pakistan and India
Marian Anderson discusses the music of India and her collaboration with the Bombay City Orchestra
"Mon cœur s'ouvre à ta voix", with the Bombay City Orchestra
Speaking at the All India radio station in New Delhi about issues of race and representation
Introduction in Old Delhi at the Gandhi Memorial
Marian Anderson speaks about Gandhi
"Lead Kindly Light" in Old Delhi

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