I am who I am, while you are who you are.
Here are everything about the food I eat,
the wine I drink, the things I love,
the books I read, the tango I dance,
the photos I take, and the life I live.
I smile and cry, therefore I am!
......I am Charles Huang.
頂上風光 above my head
「頂上風光」 (above my head) 是這幾天突發奇想的攝影主題構想,想要從不同的觀點與角度來看待平時不會留意的風景。由於我的新手機 InFocus M320 有前後兩個鏡頭,可以輕鬆地拍攝不同的角度的照片,因此也可以輕易呈現不同的視覺角度。